What is T2D and CKD?

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common and long-term complication of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Approximately 40% of those with T2D will develop CKD, putting them at increased risk of cardiovascular-related mortality and morbidity, progressive loss of kidney function and end stage kidney disease (ERSD). Healthcare professionals (HCPs) are challenged with the task of early identification and management of CKD in T2D to reduce these risks and improve kidney and cardiovascular outcomes.

This independent medical educational program will support the multidisciplinary team (MDT) to proactively identify and manage patients with CKD and T2D whilst incorporating the latest clinical guidelines. In a series of vodcasts, our expert faculty will explain best practices for the identification, classification and management of CKD in T2D, drawing on recent advances in therapies and insights from a patient with these comorbidities.

Program Director Tina Vilsbøll and the MDT will also take you through a series of patient profiles as simulated scenarios, to assist your decision-making in a risk-free environment and put the latest clinical guidelines into the context of everyday practice.

About the program

This program will support the multidisciplinary team (MDT) to proactively identify and manage patients with CKD and T2D and implement the latest guidelines into clinical practice.

In collaboration with our Program Director, Tina Vilsbøll, we offer a series of expert-led vodcasts covering a range of topics relating to CKD in T2D from the multidisciplinary perspective. These vodcasts will discuss the link between diabetes and associated conditions such as CKD and hypertension, how to improve diagnosis and classification of CKD in T2D, as well as providing guidance on how to implement the latest evidence-based guidelines and treatment advances into clinical practice. The importance of interdisciplinary working with the patient at the center will also be discussed, drawing on insights from a patient with T2D and CKD.

There will also be a series of bite-sized scenario-based modules covering different patient profiles that the MDT may encounter day-to-day, putting the latest guidelines and clinical data into the context of everyday practice.

Target audience

This independent educational program is suitable for endocrinologists, diabetologists, primary care physicians (PCPs)/general practitioners (GPs), cardiologists, nephrologists and the wider global multidisciplinary team that manages patients with T2D and CKD.

Learning objectives

Following completion of this independent educational program, learners will be able to:


KDIGO endorses and supports the eLearning modules and vodcasts in the independent medical educational program “T2D & CKD: Putting evidence into practice”.