
In this series of short vodcasts, our panel of multidisciplinary experts discuss a range of topics related to the identification, classification and management of DKD, drawing on guideline recommendations and insights from a patient with DKD. Listen to the vodcasts here to improve your knowledge:

Improving recognition, diagnosis and classification of CKD in T2D

Watch Professor Pinar Topsever discuss the risk factors for CKD in T2D, how to recognise and diagnose CKD in patients with T2D, and the barriers to recognition and diagnosis in practice.

Overview of the diabetes-cardio-renal spectrum and the importance of proactive management

Watch Professor Tina Vilsbøll provide an overview of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) and the diabetes-cardio-kidney spectrum, as she discusses the importance of proactive identification and management.

Coming soon!

Improving integration of guidelines for CKD in T2D in clinical practice

Coming soon!

Advances in therapies that work across multiple disease disciplines

Coming soon!

Importance of interdisciplinary working with the patient at the center